10 Sep The female body and its disruptive movements in the conquest of the performative space
Vol. 1 N.º 2 (2023): Revista Estud(i)os de Dança 2
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The essay presents a concise overview of the accomplishments of the female body in the field of performing arts and its consequent historiographic from being an object fetishized to becoming an active agent that challenges and questions the role of women in contemporary society. It is proposed that from her private life and her daily experiences and practices, the woman artist has been finding resources and tools to develop poetic discourses against the concealment of female bodies and expressions. It is also suggested that life stories transformed into artistic experiences align with affective. These circuits, which promote a better integration of the contemporary
subject into the participatory dynamics of public life, as mentioned by Silvia Federici and Judith Butler. A claiming of space that also takes place in the refusal of any game, or disguise, other than revealing one’s own existential realities through the interplay between art and life as a powerful transmitting of knowledge, identify and cultural memory.
Performance, Gender studies, Art-life, Autobiography, Memory